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ILO Convention 169

…Peoples’ Rights Through ILO Conventions: A compilation of ILO supervisory bodies’ comments 2009-2010.” International Labour Organization, 2010. Available online: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—ed_norm/–normes/documents/publication/wcms_126028.pdf Schulting, Gerard. “ILO Convention 169: Can it help?” http://www.abyayalanews.org/document/2444 Swepston,…


…via https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/canadas-native-reserves-deserve-foreign-correspondent-treatment/article717978/. Accessed May 2010. 9 Office of the Auditor General of Canada, “Land Management and Protection on Reserves,” 2009 Fall Report of the Auditor, sec. 6.59. Available online via…

Aboriginal Title

…1985. Available online: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/ubcic/pages/1440/attachments/original/1484861461/12_aboriginalrightspositionpaper1985.pdf?1484861461 —– “Aboriginal Title Implementation.” https://www.ubcic.bc.ca/aboriginal_title_implementation_ubcic_1998 —– “’Certainty:’ Canada’s Struggle to Extinguish Aboriginal Title.” https://www.ubcic.bc.ca/certainty_canada_s_struggle_to_extinguish_aboriginal_title —– “Two World Views in Law.” https://www.ubcic.bc.ca/two_world_views_in_law Endnotes 1 Union of British…

Van der Peet case

Review. 32 (1998): 249-270. Endnotes 1 Supreme Court of Canada, R. v. Van der Peet, [1996] 2 S.C.R. 507. Available online: https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/1407/index.do 2 Russell Lawrence Barsh & James Youngblood Henderson….

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

…BC Indian Chiefs. UBC Press, Vancouver, 2019 (Ebook Available Online through UBC Library) Manuel, Vera. “The History of the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs – 20 Years of Struggle…

Community & Politics

…Union has also published news sources, runs resource centres (including an extensive online resource), and continues to work with and advise provincial government policies regarding Aboriginal relations, title, and rights….

The White Paper 1969

…1969. Available online: http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/inac-ainc/indian_policy-e/cp1969_e.pdf Cairns, Alan. Citizens Plus: Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000. Tennant, Paul. Aboriginal Peoples and Politics: The Indian Land Question in British…

ILO Convention 107

…in 18 countries.3 By Erin Hanson. Links & Recommended Resources International Labour Organization website: www.ilo.org Convention 107: https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/fp=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO::P12100_ILO_CODE:C107 “Indigenous and Tribal Peoples” https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/indigenous-tribal/lang–en/index.htm Nations that ratified Convention 107: https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=1000:11300:0::NO:11300:P11300_INSTRUMENT_ID:312252 Endnotes…


…traditions: Many Indigenous cultures worldwide are based on an oral tradition, in which teachings are passed down from one generation to another by way of storytelling, song, dance, and other…

Sparrow Case

…Ronald Sparrow was arrested for fishing with a net longer than was permitted by his food fishing license. His arrest and subsequent court case led to one of the most…