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Marginalization of Aboriginal women

online at: http://www.ajic.mb.ca/volumel/chapter13.html Razack, Sherene H. “Gendered Racial Violence and Spatialized Justice: The Murder of Pamela George,” Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 2000, 15:2, pp. 91-30. Silman, Janet. Enough…

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

…BC Indian Chiefs. UBC Press, Vancouver, 2019 (Ebook Available Online through UBC Library) Manuel, Vera. “The History of the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs – 20 Years of Struggle…

ILO Convention 169

…Peoples’ Rights Through ILO Conventions: A compilation of ILO supervisory bodies’ comments 2009-2010.” International Labour Organization, 2010. Available online: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—ed_norm/–normes/documents/publication/wcms_126028.pdf Schulting, Gerard. “ILO Convention 169: Can it help?” http://www.abyayalanews.org/document/2444 Swepston,…

Totem Poles

…succeeded in their quest to repatriate the G’psgolox Pole. By Alice Huang.   Recommended resources Online resources Totem Pole Raising Ceremony – University of Alaska Southeast http://vimeo.com/11303883 Totem Poles –…

Community & Politics

…Union has also published news sources, runs resource centres (including an extensive online resource), and continues to work with and advise provincial government policies regarding Aboriginal relations, title, and rights….

ILO Convention 107

…in 18 countries.3 By Erin Hanson. Links & Recommended Resources International Labour Organization website: www.ilo.org Convention 107: https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/fp=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO::P12100_ILO_CODE:C107 “Indigenous and Tribal Peoples” https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/indigenous-tribal/lang–en/index.htm Nations that ratified Convention 107: https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=1000:11300:0::NO:11300:P11300_INSTRUMENT_ID:312252 Endnotes…

Aboriginal Identity & Terminology

…terms had existing functions in Canadian law. “Indian,” for instance, is the generic term used in the Indian Act, a centerpiece of state identity regulation, since 1876. The Indian Act…

Global Actions

…Cohen, Cynthia Price. The Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers, 1998. Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne. “The First Decade of Indigenous Peoples at the United Nations.” Peace and Change, 31,…

Sparrow Case

…Ronald Sparrow was arrested for fishing with a net longer than was permitted by his food fishing license. His arrest and subsequent court case led to one of the most…

Guerin Case

…Constitution. By Tanisha Salomons & Erin Hanson Recommended Resources Supreme Court of Canada, Guerin v. The Queen, [1984] 2 S.C.R. 335. Available online: https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/2495/index.do Musqueam Band. “Musqueam Day 2020.” https://www.musqueam.bc.ca/musqueam-day-2020/…